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"...a play to make you think

...and smile"

After thirty years of marriage, Chris faces the rest of his life with a big decision to make.


Should he be true to himself or continue to live a lie? And what will his grown up daughter make of his new foray into dating?  How will she feel about his new boyfriend?


From Today Everything Changes is a new play taking a fond look at the experience of coming out in later life.


According to writer Ian Tucker-Bell the story came initially from the lives of friends.

“Some had married due to social and family expectations, others because they simply hadn’t realised when they were younger that they were gay.”


The play started life three years ago when it was part of the Oast Theatre’s New Writers programme before being taken to drama festivals in the South East of England.


According to Ian, the play developed even after these try-outs, becoming less polemical and more lyrical.


“I think the major change in terms of the story is Chris’ daughter,  Alice, who was originally far more hostile - I suppose reflecting my own fears of being judged for my sexuality. In the end, she is far more accepting than, perhaps, either of them expect.”


The play also explores the issue of inter-generational relationships which Ian believes are universal. For Alan – who Chris meets tentatively online – it’s about love and dating.  For Alice (who is about Alan’s age) it’s about coming to terms with her father’s sexuality. 


“Many families have to re-evaluate their relationships, especially after the death of a parent. So although LGBT+ people will find aspects of the play that resonate, but so will anyone who has ever fallen in love and had to overcome obstacles.”


Ian is excited about this new production. “In the end the play is an honest story about real people – so it’s stripped back to the essential story in a very intimate performance space. It’s very positive and affirming I think, and here at the Edinburgh Fringe it’s sometimes a struggle to find a play to make you think ...and smile.”


From Today. Everything Changes is at theSpace on North Bridge (venue 36) from the 21st to the 26th August at 4pm.

Ian and Phil discuss the play

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